Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Revelation Returns!!

I remember now! Whether I ever told anyone or not I cannot recall, but I remember now. I remember the whole key! Devout, caring and loving for humanity, I asked God why; why he has a master plan, why we cannot know it, why such horrible evils happen, why an omniscient loving god would create a being he knows will suffer for eternity? An answer came; I do not need to know these things. Why? Because knowing the secrets would draw me away from God. What? Why would they? Is God not the pure being, and is Satan not the black evil opposing Him? No. without God, Satan has no power, and without Satan, God has no point. God makes evil and pain to further glorify Himself, but more than that! The pain is beautiful! God made the universe, from the greatest nebulas to the smallest subatomic particles, and all the stars and oceans and land formations and creatures between, and He made it beautiful. God loves beauty. And the pain, the suffering, the Hell and betrayal and contempt and hatred; all of it is also beautiful! When you watch a gut wrenching tragedy unfold in the theatre, when you read an epic novel of depressing proportions, when you hear a horrible story of romance and death and lies and hypocrites, what do you think? Is not the tear jerking play a masterpiece? Is not the gut wrenching novel a piece of art? Is not the song filling us with gallons of raw emotion one of the greatest pieces ever created? Why it most certainly is! And so therefore, in the real world of illusion, where God is the playwright knowing the destiny of his characters, the author knowing the ending to his book, the artist knowing the tune of his song, is this agony not beautiful also? Yes! And great evil it belongs to everyone! Granted in less than a month I will return to hating the game, and that’s okay. I’m here to provide the sides, not pick the one for you. Sometimes I will love God and other times I will hate God and other times I will question his existence, but welcome to the game children, play it or destroy it or simply sit out, it is all up to you. No matter the religion, no matter the differences, no matter the conflict between us; our God is the same, and the worshipers worship differently and in different tongues and with different truths from this same God while those who defy, defy differently. Love, hate; all the same in the end; units in a game played by a master who is both good and evil for the purposes we may never know in this life, so take what is here, take what is there, and make your own realities out of it for reality is truly subjective based upon perspective.

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