Humans, humans! Ugh, you all just, UGH!!!!! Judgmental. If you're politically liberal, you're diametrically opposed to conservatives. If you're conservative, you think liberals are complete morons. You're Christian? Well every other religion condemns you and hates you. You're Muslim? You're automatically a member of a terrorist religion. You're atheist? You're an idiot for not seeing the obvious light of this or that deity. You're me? Well then you're a selfish prick trying to make himself more miserable for his own increase in people paying attention to him. You just act that way, you just say that, you're just pretending. Well do you want to know something? I am NOT pretending. I am a depressed suicidal homicidal seventeen year old male living in Western Pennsylvania, U.S.A. I feel that there is no way to end this ridiculous agony but to end the human race. I cannot believe in a god which contradicts itself plainly in the text used to support its existence, and I cannot believe without proof anything written by humans with no support or evidence. I cannot keep myself from becoming incredibly pissed at fellow humans. I cannot force myself out of this unending love I am caught up in. I cannot escape humans. I cannot escape myself. I just need to laugh again, and then light the flame.
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