Thursday, January 10, 2013

Terminal Absolution

            Suffering, pain, hatred, love, hope, lies; our world is filled with incomprehensible things; football jocks rape a passed out, drunken girl and photograph it. An Indian woman is gang raped, and her genitals are cut open with a metal pipe: she dies in the hospital days later. A despondent teenager murders his mother, then goes on to murder teachers and young grade-school students. In the name of their religion, rogue terrorists kill over three thousand people with hijacked passenger jets. A child murders his mother and her unborn child for still unknown reasons. Same-sex couples are imprisoned in certain U.S. states, murdered by rogue intolerant haters in the U.S.A., killed in accordance with Sharia Law in the Middle East and elsewhere. Farther back in history, it is proven that humanity has not only corrupted recently; Christianity and Islam battled time after time for a desolate desert city, claimed to be God’s land. Corrupt rulers claim absolute monarchy through divine right; oppositionists are slain. Factions attempt to secede from the Roman Catholic Church, and are condemned to Hell through excommunication by “God’s representative on Earth”, His Holiness, the Pope, and are then killed ruthlessly. Farther back; Jewish law of Deuteronomy states that prostitutes, thieves, and disobedient children are to be stoned to death in public, clearly disregarding their own commandment to not kill another human. Ancient American empires sacrifice thousands upon thousands to their gods. Any opinion contrary to that of the governing body and rulers is shunned, and the one with the opinion killed. Politicians bend the system to give themselves more power. Businesses abuse their liberties to monopolize and turn the nation into a federation. Systems self corrupt due to human nature and fail. The weeds are numerous in type, and overgrow the ground. And yet, love is still alive; Christians form a protective circle around praying Muslims during in Cairo during the Egyptian rebellion. Millions of dollars are donated to cancer and charity organizations every year. Young lovers dedicate their lives to each other. But the evil outweighs the good. There are a few flowers in the weed patch; is the beauty worth the ugliness? What solution is there for this world? There are three possible solutions; one: humans better themselves to create freedom and prosperity without greed, without hatred; two: Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World becomes a reality; or three: something more Carthaginian in nature.

            Solution one: humankind wakes up to its living nightmare, and changes. At this time, please feel free to laugh uncontrollably at this idea. Face it; humanity has been addicted to this corruption for thousands of years. It is difficult enough for a heroine addict to recognize his problem. It is more difficult for him say to himself, “Hey, this stuff is bad for me. It’s hurting me and those who love me. I’ll stop it.” Even more difficult yet is for this one addict to follow through on his decision. Now, change this one man into ten. These ten people all are addicted to heroine. As a collective, deciding to change is near impossible, however one or two individuals may try to choose to quit. Now, change these ten not into one hundred, not one million, but into a staggering seven billion and increasing. For the group to decide to quit heroine, why, it is unpractical, unfeasibly difficult. When a society conforms to something, no matter what it is, it’s stuck, and it will take something far more than simple realization and decision making to change (and this is not even addressing the fact that some would attempt to get off the drug, and some would not). Where are examples of this? In our world, religion can be used as an example. To quote John Stewart, “Religion; it’s given people hope in a world torn apart by religion.” Yes, this appears funny at first, but wait, think. Religion separates us; it splits families, nations, and the entire human population apart. Yet, when war and conflict arise due to these divisions, when pain, suffering, and confusion come from these crevasses in humanity, what do we turn to? Religion; our God; that one thing we can always fall back upon when we have nothing left to hold on to. How does a drug addict’s relationship with drugs relate to this? The exact same manner; he gets high, does things because he is high, breaks bonds with loved ones, community members. So what does he do to combat his negative position and outlook? He takes another snuff, just one more joint, one more injection. It is an endless cycle, except when society turns to self-conditioning to prevent this living Hell.

In Brave New World, almost every human is addicted to soma, the ultimate happy pill. They are conditioned and created, and almost every person is content. Obviously, some rebel. Bernard Marx and Hemholtz Watson are not satisfied with their world. John the Savage is also not satisfied with the world he is shown. They recognize that it is artificial, that is created, conditioned. Therefore they rebel. Quite obviously, this is not taken well, and they are apprehended by the authorities. In our world, these oppositionists to society would be imprisoned, forced to recant, executed; but not in this brave new world, no: here the rebels are rewarded. You believe in something else? Well great! If this does not satisfy you, we can give you your own private world away from this society where you can learn about what was; the controversy that is the constant that was removed from this society. You can learn everything that ruined the old order, and learn it because you are one of the minority who can benefit from that. This system is therefore flawless in its order. In the end, everyone is happy except for those who cannot stand to have anyone have any way that is not their way. This is found in John the Savage who was so self-conformed and convinced that his way was indeed best, indeed the only conceivable way there was, that when he could not change the society and could now not escape it, he killed himself. The real dilemma is this; will we ever reach this utopia? Unfortunately, there is one flaw in this system; it is governed by humans. Being governed by humans, someone will somewhere become greedy, selfish, and/or corrupt. One of the Resident World Controllers will corrupt, and break everything for either himself or some pitiful delusion he placed above human welfare. The solution for this is making ten Resident World Controllers, but as we know from our own world, it only takes one crack to shatter the glass.

This leaves the only possible solution for humanity; absolute annihilation; the Final Global Carthaginian Solution. In order to end this turmoil, we must end the source of our turmoil; ourselves. Humanity must play a role-play game with itself; humanity acts as Rome, and treats itself as Carthage. Humanity must topple itself to rubble on the ground, then burn the rubble, and ensure an absolute one hundred percent mortality rate; there can be no survivors to continue the system. Initially (and quite understandably), this will be viewed as evil, horrific, terrifying, psychopathic, sadistic, and an endless list of terms used to describe anything people know deep in their hearts to be true, but will deny to the point of becoming pathological liars on any matter they cannot and will not accept, consider, or contemplate. But please, let me ask; do you have any better solution? Is there any way to fix this world after so much damage, or does this wreck, this disaster, simply need scrapped, reset? Please, speak up. As John Lennon sang in “Revolution”, “…you know, we’d all love to hear the plan.” The fact is, there is no way to fix this system. There is no solution to this equation, for the only possible solutions are not feasible within the laws of human nature, our symbolic substitute for mathematics. The only way to fix this equation is to destroy it; set this value to zero; destroy the system. Call this solution the work of a sociopath, a pessimist, or a cynic; while all these things may be true, it must be recognized that above all else, this is the work of a realist. And while all of humankind may sit with their blinders on, looking only at the light they have fixed in the world, not willing to see the absolute pit of darkness around them, swallowing them; I will not follow this trail, tracing circles of despondency, nay, I shall burn this forest and all in it. Then, and only then, will the cycle end, and with it, all the destruction, all the death, the evil, the pain. Only the absolute destruction of the weed patch will kill the weeds.

However, one may argue, the flowers! The flowers in the weed patch, there is good still! Yes, there are flowers in this field of weeds, a few pearls in this swine pen. But what happens to flowers growing amongst weeds? They are strangled, choked out and killed, replaced by weeds. As the age old saying goes, what happens when you place “pearls before swine”, when you have a few gems in a pig pen? The pearls become dirty, they are coated and stained in foul shit, and then are consumed and destroyed by the swine. Are these flowers worth not burning the weeds, are the pearls worth not leveling the swine pit to the ground and then some? No, for they will die and be destroyed regardless, and without the Final Global Carthaginian Solution, the weeds, shit, and swine remain. Now please, do not think that this is calling for rampant mass murder and chaos; quite the opposite. What does killing one human solve? Nothing; more pain and problems arise. What does killing five hundred humans solve? Nothing; more pain and problems are created. What does killing eight-five million humans solve? Not a damn thing; an incredible amount of pain and problems surge through humanity. But what does killing the entire population solve? Everything; all pain and problems are eradicated, and the source of the problems with them. There is only one solution, the Final Global Carthaginian Solution; the terminal absolution.

1 comment:

  1. This is by far my favorite of all the things I have written.
