Sunday, July 14, 2013

Welcome To The Shitstorm




No commentary necessary.

No justice. No peace.

34 people were shot in Chicago on july 4, including a 5 year old and a 7 year old and not a fuckin peep, but now you people care? 

Alright, i’m saying something. There most certainly is necessary commentary here. You don’t think that there was justice? Did you watch the trial? Any of the trial? Just because the kid was from an ethnic group which has been unrightfully subordinated for centuries, this does not make him infallible in death, especially since he was involved in an assault, which is why he was shot in the first place. Zimmerman shot him while Trayvon was straddling him, self defense. Case over. But, this trial has lasted for a long time, longer than a simple murder case should go. So, why did it? The media sure decided that we should focus every possible moment on this trivial murder case. People die every day, and i’m not saying that death is easy, fun, or right to cause, but one death is very inappropriate for nonstop news coverage for weeks. Jodi Arias, George Zimmerman; anybody noticing a pattern? Has anybody been paying attention behind the scenes of the mass indoctrina- I mean media coverage? murdercube is correct, a mass shooting happens, but little to no attention is give there. But even better, did you know about the legislation passed regarding 80% of medication? Oh why not look that one up, why not search into that can of worms, see what’s been going on behind your attention deficit backs while you ogled and argued frivolously at an almost obvious case, just as it has always been? “Now you all know what a black child’s life is worth in America." Here’s something to think about: does ethnicity matter? Maybe by so vehemently fighting for “blacks’ rights" and “Hispanic rights" and “gay rights" you’re missing the point and helping the cultural segregation. The battle should not be for the blacks here, and the Hispanics here, and the queers here, no. the fight is for humans to stop being so incredibly judgmental, petty, biased, conformed, unaccepting, unloving, and intolerant, and not just the U.S., but we need to look past nationalities. What makes a Russian baby different from a Kenyan baby different from a Canadian baby? The stupid B.S. cultural exclusiveness and nationalism which gives humans a segregated sense of belonging which leads to conflicts, just as our social segregations brought about and perpetuated by both sides causes internal conflicts, which are then used for the advantage of political games. And my final point, since when has children’s lives mattered in this country? Maybe to the individuals, but I guess nobody decides to call their congressman about how they detest the president’s RIDICULOUS DRONE STRIKE STATISTICS, or how he KILLED AN AMERICAN FAMILY WHILE IN PAKISTAN WITH A DRONE ATTACK, KILLING AN ADOLESCENT BOY or maybe THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT IN WHICH IT WAS STATED THAT THE PRESIDENT IS NOT RESTRICTED FROM USING DRONE STRIKES ON AMERICAN CITIZENS ON U.S. SOIL. How about you little kids wake up and smell the rose bridge you walk on, because it’s rotting away from underneath you. There are more important things in this world, in the current developments in this country alone, than what kind of lawful punishment will be given to the neighborhood watchman who killed a young man who happened to be of a ethnic group in self defense, things that will directly effect your life, and alter everything, propelling humanity further into corrupt false light.
No commentary necessary.
No justice. No peace.
34 people were shot in Chicago on july 4, including a 5 year old and a 7 year old and not a fuckin peep, but now you people care? 
Alright, i’m saying something. There most certainly is necessary commentary here. You don’t think that there was justice? Did you watch the trial? Any of the trial? Just because the kid was from an ethnic group which has been unrightfully subordinated for centuries, this does not make him infallible in death, especially since he was involved in an assault, which is why he was shot in the first place. Zimmerman shot him while Trayvon was straddling him, self defense. Case over. But, this trial has lasted for a long time, longer than a simple murder case should go. So, why did it? The media sure decided that we should focus every possible moment on this trivial murder case. People die every day, and i’m not saying that death is easy, fun, or right to cause, but one death is very inappropriate for nonstop news coverage for weeks. Jodi Arias, George Zimmerman; anybody noticing a pattern? Has anybody been paying attention behind the scenes of the mass indoctrina- I mean media coverage? murdercube is correct, a mass shooting happens, but little to no attention is give there. But even better, did you know about the legislation passed regarding 80% of medication? Oh why not look that one up, why not search into that can of worms, see what’s been going on behind your attention deficit backs while you ogled and argued frivolously at an almost obvious case, just as it has always been? “Now you all know what a black child’s life is worth in America." Here’s something to think about: does ethnicity matter? Maybe by so vehemently fighting for “blacks’ rights" and “Hispanic rights" and “gay rights" you’re missing the point and helping the cultural segregation. The battle should not be for the blacks here, and the Hispanics here, and the queers here, no. the fight is for humans to stop being so incredibly judgmental, petty, biased, conformed, unaccepting, unloving, and intolerant, and not just the U.S., but we need to look past nationalities. What makes a Russian baby different from a Kenyan baby different from a Canadian baby? The stupid B.S. cultural exclusiveness and nationalism which gives humans a segregated sense of belonging which leads to conflicts, just as our social segregations brought about and perpetuated by both sides causes internal conflicts, which are then used for the advantage of political games. And my final point, since when has children’s lives mattered in this country? Maybe to the individuals, but I guess nobody decides to call their congressman about how they detest the president’s RIDICULOUS DRONE STRIKESTATISTICS, or how he KILLED AN AMERICAN FAMILY WHILE IN PAKISTAN WITH A DRONE ATTACK, KILLING AN ADOLESCENTBOY or maybe THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT IN WHICH IT WAS STATED THAT THE PRESIDENT IS NOT RESTRICTED FROM USING DRONE STRIKES ON AMERICAN CITIZENS ON U.S. SOIL. How about you little kids wake up and smell the rose bridge you walk on, because it’s rotting away from underneath you. There are more important things in this world, in the current developments in this country alone, than what kind of lawful punishment will be given to the neighborhood watchman who killed a young man who happened to be of a ethnic group in self defense, things that will directly effect your life, and alter everything, propelling humanity further into corrupt false light.